Proactively manage travel risk by automatically informing people of minor and major events unfolding around them
Incident alerts from various sources such as Getty Alerts (Iraq Only), Riskline™ (Global) and local to the organization.
Automate time-sensitive actions using the sophisticated rules engine.
Manage safety efficiently using automatic check-in requests to users in an emergency environment.
Perform actions autonomously based on incoming alerts, itinerary amendments, user information and much more.
Store important files such as country briefs securely online and reference them in your automation rules.
Send targeted alerts based on different criteria e.g. location and user information.
Manage risk levels and ratings of alerts, points, routes and regions.
Plug in any type of RSS feed including news, weather and social media.
Reference user information to avoid potentially dangerous travel e.g. medical history, sexuality and religion.
Manage safety by exception using automatic check-in requests to users in a crisis environment. You can ensure everyone is accounted for and focus your efforts where they really needed. Whether they’re on the road, at home or in the office, you can consolidate everyone's travel data to quickly determine which people may be affected by an incident.
Knowing where your people are is important and providing them with accurate and actionable travel risk information is critical. Riskline™ is a trusted global leader in Travel Risk Intelligence and its services are available fully integrated through our web and mobile applications. free web creator